On Friday 22nd of February we had the posibility to present the #IRONORE2019 project to the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement during the EU Disaster Management Working Group at the Red Cross EU Office. Markus Glanzer is member of the EUDMWG and was at the meeting as the representative of Österreichisches Rotes Kreuz.
During a 15 minutes key note presentation an introduction about the idea, the location, the scenario as well as the planned participants was given to the audience. The EU Disaster Management Working Group is meeting of the domestic and international disaster management representatives of the EU national Red Cross societies together with the EU Red Cross Office in Brussels. The actual topic of this working group is to establish an agreement with DG ECHO for cooperation between the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and the European Civil Protection as well as to develop SOPs for “How to work together”.
The IORONORE2019 project is a “good practice” example how to work together inside Europe. Building bridges and link the civil protection world to the humanitarian aid. #EUsaveslives #EUCivPro #RedCross #exercise